August 10, 2024

Commemoration of the 7th Africa Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Day
Press Release
Today, we proudly join the rest of Africa in commemorating the 7th Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Day, themed "Strengthening the Linkage of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics to Legal Identity Systems through Digitalization for Enhanced Inclusion."
This annual celebration serves as a critical moment for reflection, collaboration, and collective action towards fortifying CRVS systems across Africa. As the continent strives to accelerate progress in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly universal legal identity, this year's theme emphasizes the vital role of digital integration in harmonizing CRVS systems with legal identity structures.
The harmonization of these systems is crucial for
- Promoting effective governance and societal development
- Protecting individual rights
- Ensuring efficient service delivery
- Reducing fraud
- Facilitating cross-border recognition
In support of this initiative, the Commission, in partnership with UNICEF Nigeria, is spearheading a digital birth registration drive across Nigeria's states. This effort aims to increase birth registration coverage, enhance child rights and ensure every Nigerian child is counted and recognized.
Together, let us leverage this celebration to enhance CRVS system, drive meaningful change and promote inclusive development across Africa.